Adobe | Saas

Adobe re-vamping thought leadership campaigns


The Adobe brand, most commonly known for Photoshop and PDF, now a giant in the digital experience space, drives its credibility with Thought Leadership. A great tool for driving brand credibility and a shift in perceptions of what brand's capabilities are.

However, Adobe has seen a decline in engagement with its thought leadership content. How can Adobe better engage with its target audience and continue sharing its expertise and credibility in its newly established field?

Our strategy

Customer Insights

With people’s attention spans declining, recent insights confirmed that engagement with the white paper research reports is on the decline. On average, 15 seconds are spent on reading Adobe’s white paper reports, usually containing 15 pages of data and insights. Even the fastest reader is unlikely to consume the information in 15 seconds. Engagement was a clear issue.

In addition, the reach amongst its target accounts declined rapidly, as customers now need more convincing in downloading reports and sharing their information in exchange.


Content Atomisation

Instead of sharing a 15-page research report, we extracted insights from the report and utilised them in a short-form video series. We recruited internal thought leaders from Adobe, as well as customers of Adobe to tell the story of the report insights and add their perspective on the trends observed. We boiled down the video content to short teaser videos and static image quotes and targeted customers through LinkedIn and content syndication platforms.

Journey Optimisation

Instead of driving customers straight to the report, we optimised the journey by first targeting them a video content, to drive engagement and share the main insights in a bite-sized format. That way, even if they never download the report, Adobe insights are shared and the brand’s awareness and credibility are achieved. Retargeting them with the report later down the funnel is then followed for customer content collection and customer data enrichment.


80% reach amongst key accounts, with decision-maker engagement improved by +30% - this new campaign approach created a re-set in Adobe’s global strategy and approach to Thought Leadership.

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